Showing all books
- #NotYourPrincess: Voices of Native American Women
- (You) Set Me on Fire
- 10 Things I Can See From Here
- 250 Hours
- 5-Minute Stories for Fearless Girls
- 7 Generations:A Plains Cree Saga
- A Blanket of Butterflies
- A Boy Named Queen
- A Cage Without Bars
- A Change of Heart
- A Dark Truth
- A Day with Yayah
- A Family Is a Family Is a Family
- A Good Trade
- A Grain of Rice
- A Little Tiger in the Chinese Night: An Autobiography in Art
- A Month of Mondays
- A Piece of Black Cake for Santa
- A Tattle-Tell Tale: A Story About Getting Help
- A Ticket Around the World
- A Year of Borrowed Men
- Abigail's Wish
- Adrift at Sea: A Vietnamese Boy's Story of Survival
- Afrika
- Age of Minority
- Algonquin Spring
- Algonquin Sunset
- All About Anne
- Aluta
- Amazing Women Athletes
- Amik Loves School:A Story of Wisdom
- An Infidel in Paradise
- An Inuksuk Means Welcome
- Anna Carries Water
- April Raintree
- Ara the Star Engineer
- As a Boy
- Astonishing Women Artists
- Audrey (Cow)
- Awakening the Dragon: The Dragon Boat Festival
- Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock
- Away Running
- Aziz the Storyteller
- Baba's Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas
- Baba's Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter
- Baba's Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Wedding
- Back to Batoche
- Be My Love
- Be Prepared!:The Frankie MacDonald Guide to Life,the Weather, and everything
- Be Who You Want To Be: Freedom
- Because I Am A Girl
- Being Me
- Beliefs & Religions Around the World
- Betty:The Helen Betty Osborne Story
- Birthdays: Beyond Cake & Ice Cream
- Black Beach
- Black Dog: 4 vs the wrld
- Black Women Who Dared
- Blood Brothers in Louisbourg
- Book Uncle and Me
- Boy in Motion
- Branching Out
- Branded by the Pink Triangle
- Breaking Through: Heroes in Canadian women's sport
- Burning the Boats
- C is for Carnival
- Cammie Takes Flight
- Carey Price: How a First Nations Kid became a superstar goaltender
- Caribbean Immigrants in Canada
- Cat Champions: Caring for Our Feline Friends
- Ch'askin: A Legend of the Sechelt People
- Charming
- Cherry Blossom Baseball
- Cherry Blossom Winter
- Chinese Fairy Tale Feasts
- Christmas at Wapos Bay
- Christmas Elves Being Themselves
- Cinders
- Cloudwalkers
- Cold Grab
- Community Soup
- Concord Floral
- Connecting Dots
- Counting in Mi'kmaw
- Counting on Katherine
- Courageous Women Rebels
- Create a Better Canada: Just Society
- Cree Community
- Curse of the Shaman: A Marble Island Story
- Dance of the Banished
- Dazzling Women Designers
- Dead Rock Stars
- Dead Rock Stars (illustrated edition)
- Dear Baobab
- Dear Black Child
- Disappearing Boy
- Discovering Animals: English * French * Cree
- Discovering Numbers: English * French * Cree
- Discovering Words: English * French * Cree
- Diwali: A Festival of Lights
- Dreaming in Indian: Contemporary Native American Voices
- Dynamic Women Dancers
- Elephant Journey: The True Story of Three Zoo Elephants and their Rescue from Captivity
- Elliot
- Emily Included
- Emma's Story
- Ends / Begins
- Evangeline for Young Readers
- Every Child Matters
- Every Day is Malala Day
- EveryBody's Different on EveryBody Street
- Exceptional Women Environmentalists
- Extraordinary Women Explorers
- Fairness for All: Equity
- Families
- Fania's Heart
- Fatty Legs
- Fiddles and Spoons
- Fifteen Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents: A Story About Choices
- Fifteen Lanes
- Fight for Justice
- Fight to Learn: The Struggle to Go to School
- Finding Grace
- Finding Grace
- Fire Starters
- Fish Eyes
- Five Thousand Years of Slavery
- Flying With a Broken Wing
- French Toast
- From Far Away
- Gang Tackle
- Get Involved: Democracy
- Ghost Boys
- Ghosts
- Girl Mans Up
- Go Show the World
- Good Morning, Sunshine! A Story of Mindfulness
- Grease Town
- Greetings, Leroy
- Hana's Suitcase
- Hand Over Hand
- Hawk
- He Who Dreams
- Heart of a Champion
- Hello Humpback
- Henry Chow
- Home Free
- Honey Cake
- Honouring the Buffalo: A Plains Cree Legend
- Hope Blooms: Plant a Seed, Harvest a Dream
- Hot Cross Buns for Everyone
- How Nivi Got Her Names
- How the Robin Got Its Red Breast: A Legend of the Sechelt People
- Huevos Rancheros
- I am Algonquin
- I Am Josephine (And I Am a Living Thing)
- I Am Not A Number
- I Came as a Stranger
- I Can't Have Bannock But The Beaver Has A Dam
- I Love Kisses
- Identify
- In a Cloud of Dust
- In Plain Sight
- In Spirit
- Incredible Women Inventors
- Indigenous Peoples in Politics
- Inuit Community
- Ira Crumb Feels the Feelings
- Ira Crumb Makes a Pretty Good Friend
- Jacob's Landing
- Jungle Jitters
- Just Julian
- Kilt Pins
- Kings of the Court
- Kode's Quest(ion):A Story of Respect
- Krista Kim-Bap
- L'nu'k
- Lacey and the African Grandmothers
- Lark Holds the Key
- Lasso the Wind
- Last Airlift: A Vietnamese Orphan's Rescue from War
- Late Company
- Learning to Breathe
- Letters to a Prisoner
- Level the Playing Field
- Li'l Shadd: A Story of Ujima
- Lila and the Crow
- Lily and the Paper Man
- Little Voice
- Living with the Hawk
- Lonely Luna
- Looks Like Daylight
- Lotterys More or Less; The
- Lotterys Plus One, The
- Love You Head to Toe
- Lucky Jonah
- Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess
- Maggie and the Chocolate War
- Magnificent Women in Music
- Making Canada Home
- Making It Right: Building Peace, Settling Conflict
- Malaika's Costume
- Mama God, Papa God
- Maya
- Mayuk the Grizzly Bear: A Legend of the Sechelt People
- Me and Mr. Bell
- Métis Community
- Mi'kmaw Animals
- Middle Eastern Immigrants in Canada
- Migrant
- Misaabe's Stories:A Story of Honesty
- Mistatim/Instant
- Mom and Mum are Getting Married!
- Monsters
- Moon at Nine
- More Babas, Please!
- Morning Star
- Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress
- My Beautiful Birds
- My Buddy, Dido!
- My Cat Looks Like My Dad
- My Demon's Name is Ed
- My Family and Other Endangered Species
- My Heart Fills With Happiness
- My Name is Blessing
- My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans
- Never Give Up: A Story About Self-Esteem
- New Canadian Kid & Invisible Kids
- Next Round: A Young Athlete's Journey to Gold
- Night
- Nimoshom and His Bus
- Nini
- No Place Like Home
- No Shelter Here: Making the World a Kinder Place for Dogs
- Nobel's Women of Peace
- Nobody Cries at Bingo
- Norman, Speak!
- Not My Girl
- Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools Around the World
- Ojibwe Community
- On Fire
- On My Bike
- On My Skis
- On My Swim
- On My Walk
- On The Spectrum
- Once Upon a Full Moon
- One Eagle Soaring
- One Step at a Time
- Opportunity for All: Inclusion
- Orange Shirt Day
- Orca Chief
- Oscar Lives Next Door
- Our Earth: How Kids are Saving the Planet
- Our Heroes: How Kids are Making a Difference
- Our Rights: How Kids are Changing the World
- Outcasts of River Falls
- Outside
- Oy Feh So?
- Pablo Finds a Treasure
- Pace-Ants
- Paddles Up!
- Paint
- Pandas on the Eastside
- Passover: A Festival of Freedom
- Past Tense
- Peace Dancer
- Peach Girl
- Pemmican Wars
- People Who Said No: Courage Against Oppression
- Phenomenal Female Entrepreneurs
- Phyllis’s Orange Shirt
- Piece By Piece: Stories About Fitting Into Canada
- Pier 21: Listen to my story
- Pikiq
- Pisim Finds Her Miskanow
- Pocket Change: Pitching In for a Better World
- Powwow Counting in Cree
- Pride: Celebrating Diversity & Community
- Prom Kings
- Quai 21: Ecoutez mon histoire
- Rabbit Ears
- Random Acts
- Raven Brings the Light
- Red River Resistance
- Red Wolf
- Redheaded Stepchild
- Remarkable Women Writers
- Reptile Flu: A Story About Communication
- Respect Our World: Sustainability
- Rick
- Righting Canada's Wrongs: Africville: An African Nova Scotian community is demolished - and fights back
- Roll On
- Romeo For Real
- Sadia
- Salmon Boy: A Legend of the Sechelt People
- Scars
- Season of Rage: Hugh Burnett and the Struggle for Civil Rights
- Seeking Refuge
- Severn and the Day She Silenced the World
- Shannen and the Dream for a School
- Shark Lady
- She Dared: True Stories of Heroines, Scoundrels, and Renegades
- Shin-chi's Canoe
- ShuLi and Diego
- ShuLi and Tamara
- ShuLi and the Magic Pear Tree
- Sign Up Here: A Story About Friendship
- Singing Sisters:A Story of Humility
- Skim
- Skin and Liars
- Sockeye Silver, Saltchuck Blue
- Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox
- Spare Dog Parts
- Speak a Word for Freedom: Women Against Slavery
- Spectacular Women In Space
- Spirit of the White Bison:30th Anniversay Edition
- Squawk
- Stepping Into Traffic
- Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey
- Stewardsip
- Stolen Words
- Stone
- Stormy Seas: Stories of Young Boat Refugees
- Stranger at Home
- Strangers
- Sugar Falls;A Residential School Story
- Sultans of the Street
- Super Women in Science
- Surviving the City
- Ten Cents A Pound
- Terminate
- Terrific Women Teachers
- That Uh-oh Feeling: A Story About Touch
- The Art of the Possible
- The Artist and Me
- The Ballad of Nancy April:Shawnadithit
- The Big Book of Canada
- The Birdman
- The Bone Collector's Son
- The Book of Chaos
- The Boy & the Bindi
- The Brave Princess and Me
- The Canadian Shield Alphabet
- The Case of Windy Lake
- The Cat at the Wall
- The Chief:Mistahimaskwa
- The Chinese Community in Toronto
- The Chinese in Toronto from 1878
- The Contest
- The Courage of Elfina
- The Day I Became a Canadian
- The Deadly Conch
- The Discovery of Flight
- The Evolution of Alice
- The Extraordinary Life of Anna Swan
- The First Day:A Story of Courage
- The Flute
- The Gathering
- The Gift Is in the Making:Anishinaabeg Stories
- The Girl Who Lost Her Smile
- The Girl Who Was Born That Way
- The Grover School Pledge
- The Hill
- The Just Right Gift:A Story of Love
- The Land Beyond the Wall: An Immigration Story
- The Land of Os
- The Last Song
- The Last Train
- The Last Train: A Holocaust Story
- The Leper Who Became a Prince and Other Stories
- The Making of St. Jerome
- The Manager
- The Marrow Thieves
- The Mask That Sang
- The Melancholy of Summer
- The Mouse Who Saved Egypt
- The Old Songs
- The Orange Shirt Story
- The Pact
- The Peacemaker:Thanadelthur
- The Poet:Pauline Johnson
- The Princess Dolls
- The Promise
- The Rebel:Gabriel Dumont
- The Scout:Tommy Prince
- The Scratch on the Ming Vase
- The Secret Keepers
- The Sharing Circle
- The Shepherd's Granddaughter
- The Silver Anklet
- The Sockeye Mother
- The Stone Collection
- The Stone Rainbow
- The Stone Thrower
- The Third Eye
- The Thundermaker
- The True Adventures Of Esther the Wonder Pig
- The Two Trees
- The Underdog Duckling
- The Walking Bathroom
- The Water Walker
- The Way to School
- The Wondrous Woo
- The World Outside
- This Book Betrays My Brother
- Three Feathers
- Tilt Your Head, Rosie the Red
- To Look a Nazi in the Eye
- To the Rescue! Garrett Morgan Underground
- Tokyo Digs a Garden
- Tough Case
- Trapper Boy
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Ultimate African Heritage Quiz Book
- Una Huna: What Is This?
- Under the Zaboca Tree
- Underground to Canada
- Up!
- Up! How Families Around the World Carry Their Little Ones
- Urban Tribes
- Viola Desmond Won't Be Budged
- Violet
- Wanting Mor
- Water's Children: Celebrating the Resource That Unites Us All
- Wealth and Prosperity
- West Meadows Detectives: The Case of Maker Mischief
- West Meadows Detectives: The Case of Maker Mischief
- West Meadows Detectives: The Case of the Berry Burglars
- West Meadows Detectives: The Case of the Snack Snatcher
- West Meadows Detectives: The Case of the Snack Snatcher
- What Happened This Summer
- What Happens Next
- What is Truth, Betsy?:A Story of Truth
- What Makes Girls Sick and Tired
- What Makes Us Unique? Our First Talk About Diversity
- What Makes You Beautiful
- What Milly Did: The Remarkable Pioneer of Plastics Recycling
- What's My Superpower?
- When I Was Eight
- When Morning Comes
- When The Cherry Blossoms Fell
- When the Rain Comes
- When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Calendar, n?hithaw p?simwasinahikan (TH-dialect)
- When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Calendar, p?simwasinahikan (Y-dialect, soft cover)
- When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Seasons Activity Book
- When We Were Alone
- When We Were Shadows
- Where Did You Get Your Moccasins?
- Where I Belong
- Where Oliver Fits
- Where Will I Live
- White Jade Tiger
- Who Do I Want To Become?
- Why Do We Fight? Conflict, War, and Peace
- Will I See?
- With Our Orange Hearts
- Within the Stillness: One Family's Winter on a Northern Trapline
- Worthy of Love
- Yeny and the Children for Peace
- Zoe's Extraordinary Holiday Adventures